GEORDLE is a spin-off on the popular
WORDLE game for Geography Lovers.
Try to identify the COUNTRY and its CAPITAL using the letters on the Keyboard
ONE AT A TIME. If the letter you selected is part of the COUNTRY or CAPITAL, the corresponding tiles will be highlighted in Green.
Each incorrect letter will cost you a Life. You have a total of 5 lives after which you lose the game. Lives Remaining are depicted using 🔴 on the Game Board.
If you identify the COUNTRY and CAPITAL successfully, before running out of all lives, you convert the remaining lives into ⭐'s. You can get a maximum of 5 ⭐'s every day.
The letter 'D' is in the 3rd position of the Country.
The letter 'A' is in the 1st, 4th and 6th position of the Capital.
A new GEORDLE will be available each Day!